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Aviation insignias of World War 1

WW1 Air forces allied roundels :

As well as Entente countries, the allies used colored roundels in world war I.

Entente :
cocarde. symbole de l'avion
   Insignia de nacionalidade das aeronaves militares
Russian Empire
   GB symbol
Britain and Commonwealths

other :
Oznakowania statkow powietrznych  WWI WWII Belg cockade. symbol awyrennau  Letecky vysostny znak. Greece symbol  Italiano coccarda. Aircraft simboloMarque d'identification des aeronefs  Опознавательные знаки союзников - Испания  cocarda. aeronavele simbol United States of America symbol Portugalia cocar. simbolo da aeronave  As well as Entente countries, the allies used colored roundels
Serbia Belgia Greece  Italy Spain RomaniaUnited States
of America
Portugal Japan

WW1 central powers symbols :

Germany and Austro-Hungary central power central power's Bulgaria used black cross too
Germany and Austro-Hungary used different black crosses outlined in white or at white background.
Bulgaria used black cross too.

Turk simbol Austro-Hungary aerial simbol
Turkey and Austro-Hungary additionaly had own symbols.

Oznakowania statkow powietrznych, simbolo da aeronave, Letecky vysostny znak, symbol awyrennau, Aircraft simbolo, Marque d'identification des aeronefs, Insignia de nacionalidade das aeronaves militares, Cockade

History of Aviation: WWI , WWII

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